Freedom in the Infinite TT

Tess Deddo came to LIM Innovations without looking for an alternative to her current prosthesis. Content with what she already had, Tess was originally only interested in viewing the socket that was in the early stages of allowing patients the freedom to manipulate the socket to their residuum. Little did she know that in May 2016, she would become the second person to ever become fitted with the Infinite TT.

The freedom she has experienced since being fit with the Infinite TT has been unparalleled. From riding her bike for the first time in years to walking for hours on end during term time at her school in Marin County, CA, Tess can now control the comfort of her socket.

The Infinite TT is a custom-molded, modular, and dynamic socket system. The combination of a modular frame and advanced pressure distribution system enables clinicians and patients to adjust the socket. Pressure distribution and biomechanics are designed in response to activity demands, pressure areas, and shape change.

Check out the features of the Infinite Socket TT here