Most don’t recall the date that they received their latest socket. But when the socket you receive changes your life drastically, it becomes a date easy to remember. On May 20, 2016, Jim Demas received his Infinite Socket™ TT and his life changed. With Jim’s permission we are sharing the letter he wrote to commemorate his socket anniversary.
“It is impossible to count the number of times I have thanked all of you for the enormous improvements afforded me by this remarkable prosthetic technology you developed. Furthermore, you are wonderful people whom I truly like and I dearly value.
The Infinite Socket™ TT has allowed me to live my life again. Whether business or pleasure is involved, I live so much more like I did before my BKA in April 2015. Case in point, in just this last month alone I was able to pursue more of my hobby of motorsports photography as I returned to shoot the Long Beach Grand Prix. Two weeks ago I shot the Ferrari Challenge at Laguna Seca and spent yesterday at Laguna shooting another event. All these events require huge amounts of walking and standing under challenging conditions to shoot from the desired vantage points.
As I was traversing the track yesterday and proceeding up a very steep hill to the turn called the Corkscrew, I thought about our 2nd anniversary coming up and how I would not be able to do this without LIM Innovations® and my Infinite Socket™ TT. Three years ago, when I tried doing this with a conventional socket, I had incredible bruising of my leg which landed me in a wheelchair and unable to walk for three weeks! The difference I have experienced with the TT is profound and real. Even though I recognize that there are still very distinct moments where I really must stop myself and not take things for granted, I think about just how incredibly lucky I am to have crossed paths with all of you at LIM and the Infinite Socket™ TT.
Your hard work and dedication have made my improvement possible. LIM Innovations® and the Infinite Socket™ TT are among the best decisions I have made in my life.
Mere words seem so inadequate at times in life… but from the bottom of my heart on this 2nd anniversary… Thank You for giving me my life back!”
– Jim Demas