From Socket Pain to MIT

Four years ago, Andrew’s parents anxiously watched as their only child was prepped and wheeled into the operating room for an above knee amputation. Struggling with a vascular malformation in his leg, Andrew’s childhood was spent in a quest for comfort and mobility. Although the decision was difficult, Andrew and his parents believed that the amputation offered him the best chance for a pain-free and normal life.


After healing from the amputation, Andrew was fit with a conventional socket. The family watched helplessly as their son lost his vigor and zest, opting instead to stay inside and to utilize his wheelchair. One morning Andrew confessed to the pain he was feeling when wearing his prosthesis. His conventional socket was so uncomfortable and painful that Andrew felt he had no options but to forgo wearing it altogether.

Undeterred, his parents began to search for a solution. Andrew’s life was set onto a different path when he experienced the adjustable Infinite Socket™ TF. After being fitted with an adjustable Infinite Socket™ TF, Andrew experienced a comfortable socket for the first time in his amputee life. According to his mother Mary, the change she witnessed was profound. “The minute he put it on and walked, it was just incredible. He immediately was different and never once has he avoided putting his leg on.”

Because he was comfortable in his socket, Andrew continued to wear his prosthesis throughout his high school career. Andrew continued to thrive, graduating at the top of his class and using his experience to advocate at both state and federal levels for prosthetic access. This past June, Mary and her family were beaming with pride as they watched Andrew take the podium at his high school graduation to deliver the Valedictorian Address. Mary tears up recalling the moment her son walked to the podium to deliver his address. “It’s hard to believe that just four years ago Andrew was recovering from his amputation. I’m just so proud of him.”

Earlier this week Andrew continued his story by moving to Boston. He has been awarded a full scholarship to study engineering at MIT. Because his first-hand experience with prosthetic advances with the adjustable Infinite Socket™ TF, Andrew is on a mission to continue to improve the prosthetic experience for every individual who utilizes a device. Please join us in wishing Andrew well as he begins the next chapter of his journey.