Worth – Researching A Better Solution

Four years ago, Worth suffered a devastating ski accident. Although the doctors were initially able to save his leg, he faced an arduous rehabilitation process that included multiple surgeries. After an ankle fusion left him with constant pain, and desperate to return to an active lifestyle, Worth began to investigate a below knee amputation.  Eventually he underwent a delayed amputation in November of 2016 and immediately knew that he made the correct decision. “As soon as I had the amputation surgery I had no more pain.”



A self-described curious person, Worth fully investigated all prosthetic options before undergoing his amputation. After an initial fitting with a conventional socket, Worth was disappointed with the outcome. “The socket felt antiquated and outdated. The fit I needed to reach my quality of life was not being met by a traditional socket. Rather than being married to a prosthetist, I decided to investigate and see what else was available.”


Worth’s research led him to the Infinite adjustable sockets by LIM Innovations. After watching the videos, he felt like he found an answer to his issues and he reached out to investigate adjustable socket technology.  “LIM Innovations seemed to answer the questions I was having about fit and long term comfort. This is a life changing experience for me. For the number of days I have left, the quality of my life is going to be determined by the quality of the fit of my leg.”


An active person, Worth needed a socket that was up to the challenges of his busy lifestyle. As a new amputee his residual limb is changing quickly, a situation which traditionally requires numerous visits to the prosthetist office for adjustments. With the Infinite TT socket Worth can adjust the socket to fit his changing limb, freeing up his schedule and allowing him to resume an active lifestyle.  “When my prosthesis feels too tight I can just loosen the boa closure. If I need it tighter I can pump up the air bladder or tighten the straps. My socket responds to my needs rather than trying to work with socks and pads to be comfortable. It really is remarkable.”


From the first encounter with the LIM Innovations team, Worth knew he was part of something special. “Walking in the door I just knew something cool was happening here. This was something cutting edge that I wanted to be a part of because it was going to change lives.” After he was fit with an Infinite TT socket, he began to experience prosthetic comfort on a new level.  “I encourage all amputees to stop settling for old technology. Keep asking questions and learning about what is out there. You never really know if something will work for you, or how big of a difference it will make in your quality of life, until you give it a try. Don’t let anybody stop you from pushing the boundaries because you are the one wearing the device.”