

Seeing Miyah happy and living an active lifestyle in her LIM socket is what inspires our team to keep innovating. At three years old, she’s already overcome more adversity than most and we’re excited to see her grow up with the chance to do whatever she puts her mind to. Miyah and her prosthetist, Brent at Eastpoint Prosthetics and Orthotics, are  helping spur an evolution from the outdated and outsized medical devices currently used with children to a brand new era of pint-sized versions tailored for kids’s needs. We couldn’t be more proud to be a part of that.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Improvise isn’t a word parents want to hear from their kid’s doctor. Yet pediatric specialists too often have to jury-rig care because many of the medical devices needed to treat sick children were built for adults.

A birth defect left Miyah Williams with one leg missing at mid-thigh. The prosthetic leg she received as a toddler came with such a painful, sweat- and sore-inducing socket; a rigid cup connecting the leg to her thigh that she refused to wear it. Part of the problem is size. Now families are starting to demand solutions to address the issue and rightly so.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4fZcqCtS_Y&w=560&h=315]

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